FAQ Content Provider

How does a Content Provider sign up?
Register here and provide us with the information we need using the online forms. An account will be created for you and you will be asked to confirm your email address. Finally, we review your application for plausibility and quality. After your approval we will send you login credentials.
What kind of cost do Content Provider have by offering their video content on glomex? How does billing work?
For the Content Provider as well as for the Publisher, using glomex is free of charge. Moreover, after deducting only five percent in tech fees, glomex shares the generated video ad revenue with Publishers and Content Providers (Terms & Conditions apply).
How does glomex protect Content Providers' rights and interests?
Prior to being accepted on the platform, Publishers are examined carefully. Beyond that, once the video is delivered, highly modern protective mechanisms are in place and make sure that the content owner’s licenses are upheld.
How is content delivered to the user?
glomex delivers videos using its own infrastructure. Delivery is executed through the glomex platform, streaming to the user is done by Content Delivery Network (CDN) providers on behalf of glomex.